young girl playing with wooden animal toys

Passionate and professional


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Our Services

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  • bWELL Counseling utilizes evidence based play therapy interventions to support children and adolescents. Play Therapy differs from traditional play. In play therapy, the counselor strategically utilizes play to help children express what is troubling them when they do not have the verbal language to express their thoughts and feelings. In play therapy, toys are like the child’s words and play is the child’s language. Through play, therapists may help children learn more adaptive behaviors and improve emotional tolerance and regulation.

  • Parent Coaching is available to explore the wide range of questions and concerns that can arise raising children. Parenting coaching can be an invaluable tool whether you are dealing with a specific issue or just need to consult to make sure you are on the right path with your child. You will gain insight into your child’s unique needs and develop practical strategies to improve your confidence in parenting.

  • Children having a difficult time in school may benefit from specialized school support. With a signed release of information, we can have the ability to communicate with the school in order to advocate for your children’s social, emotional, and behavioral needs. We can also assist with behavior intervention planning, as well as individualized education plans (IEPs) and 504 Plans.

  • As a LCPC in the state of Illinois, I can provide supervision to LPC’s seeking licensure. I am also available for consultation to any counseling student or intern that is interested in specifically working with children and families.

  • In addition to therapeutic services, bWELL provides yoga, mindfulness, somatic experiencing and craniosacral therapy. These are body-oriented healing approaches, that help clients build an increased sense of awareness of their internal experience and work on releasing stress from the body. These types of therapies, help individuals create new experiences in their bodies; ones that contradict those of tension and overwhelming helplessness. Contrary to traditional therapy, these aren’t about reclaiming memories or changing our thoughts and beliefs about how we feel, it’s about exploring the sensations that lie underneath our feelings and beliefs, as well as our habitual behavior patterns.

  • Intermittent bursts of intensive therapy have been shown to help children improve behaviors and progress toward emotional regulation in a shorter period of time. Therapy intensive consists of six appointments for either a week (Mon-Sat) or two consecutive weekends (Fri PM- Sat&Sun AM). During the intensive, your child will receive a blend of play and somatic therapy for a combined 90 minutes of treatment each day. In addition to child therapy, parents will receive two 1-hour parent coaching sessions to support integration at home.


  • Anxiety 

  • ADHD 

  • Autism 

  • Aggression 

  • Abuse 

  • Depression 

  • Parent Coaching 

  • Self-Harm 

  • School Issues / Consultation 

  • Trauma 

  • Tics 

  • Divorce 

  • Grief 

  • Mood Disorders 

  • Peer Concerns 

  • Phobias 

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mother helping son on computer